Thanks so much for reading and for your response! I really appreciate you taking the time to make a comment and continue this discussion. It took me seven years to get my bachelor degree. I started with the goal of getting the education and skills I needed so I could provide the life I wanted and if I ever needed I could provide for the kids on my own. It was a good decision. It was worth the time and money to get that. The first years I was at home with the kids my husband took a very demanding job. He had to re-build a plant and get it running the way he wanted. It took him five years to do that and a big part of him being able to throw himself into that was because I was taking care of the house, kids, and getting things done. This helped him grow in his career, income, and will provide us a nice retirement down the road. It was a lot of work for both of us, but I am glad I was able to support like that. I built great relationships with my kids and got to be there for them at key moments when they were young. I am very thankful for that. We have strong relationships now and I think the years I spent cultivating that early on helped now. Our poor financial decisions taught us a lot. I think as our marriage grew and strengthened we made better decisions. I think if anything it took us growing more together and communicating better. As we did we made better decisions. It was like we were all growing up together. Some things I see I couldn’t go back and change because we had to learn. Everyone is right. Only hindsight provides the clarity. I just wish I had spent more time researching options, but I didn’t, and it was still a good part of my life, warts and all.